Friday, October 3, 2008

A Train Engine

The old train engine kept on 'CRB (Chittagong Railway Building) Hill'.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Lonely Lamp Post

Once I read a poem, probably in the seventh standard, where there was a line I'll never forget, that was................'Men may come and men may go but I don't go forever' a river was telling that to the poet. Yesterday I was walking on a railway platform in the evening. The plat form was quite, no one, nothing was around only the lamp post and some left over cargo on the rail. The lamp post seemed so lonely and I felt like, he was saying me the same.

Dawn or Dusk??

What does the photo explain? The dawn or the dusk??

The sky scape is viewed from 'Chittagong Railway Station (New)' at around 6pm yesterday.

Birds Eye View

Road Track in the evening on 'Batali Hill' in a birds eye view.

Steps towards heaven

I wish we have a short cut way towards heaven like this.

Dusk on 'Batali Hill'

Well it is quite a long time I posted my pics here. Today is the 'EID DAY' the religious festival in Islam. After a month of sacrifice and control the day comes like a day from heaven, the day of joy, share and happiness. esterday I went to 'Batali Hill' and reached it highest pick as usual to enjoy the nature, to talk to her and to be with her. On the time of leaving I found that the sky became redish as if a new bride wore the vermilion on her forehead.